LENNA is an autonomous, computer-run installation. A custom-written software on a computer types code, compiles it, generates color backgrounds and typography, and prints the imageries out on A4 papers through a Inkjet printer. Audiences are invited to come inside the gallery and examine the monitor screen, movement of the cursor, custom hardware tapping the keypad, and the printer, as the entire process unravels itself, live, uninterrupted.
All the prints produced throughout the exhibition are also available for purchase at prices named by the visiting guests themselves.
Yang Wang is a New York based multimedia artist, designer and programmer. Wang’s work includes performance, video and installations assisted by digital technologies. His work attempts to use surrealism(-ist) language to capture the antinomy of the fast transforming ideologies of his generation. He holds a BFA of Aesthetic Design from University of Science and Technology, Beijing, and a Master’s degree of the Interactive Telecommunication Program ( ITP ) from Tisch School of Arts, New York University.
ZhenZhen Qi is a new media artist and educator. She teaches at the Performing Arts Department at Baruch College, and is a doctoral candidate at Columbia University’s Art Education Program. She is interested in New Media Art as a tool for self-knowledge.
Chiu-Hao Chen is a creative technologist based in NYC. He has extensive experience building human-centered design projects for Disney Connected & Advanced Technology (DCAT), IDEO, Perch Interactive etc. He designed and implemented the mouse and keyboard virtual input system for LENNA.
The artists would like to thank Michelle Maire from Chinatown Soup, Joygill Moriah from BHQFU, professor Daniel Shiffman from ITP, Tisch School of Arts, and the Open Processing community for their invaluable input and support.