Our global reliance on plastic is destroying the world's oceans and finding its way into our tap water.  The belly of the whale is the belly of you.  Save the whales, and we save ourselves.

Recently, a young pilot whale washed up in Thailand vomiting seven plastic bags before dying. During his autopsy, 17 pounds of plastic were found inside him, including 80 more toxic plastic bags.

This is a horror story unfolding around the world. In April, a young Sperm whale - the world’s largest whale with sonar that would bust your eardrums! - washed up in Spain with 64 pounds of plastic lodged in his stomach.

The belly of the whale is the belly of humanity.

Microplastics, found in products like cleansers and toothpastes, are prevalent in mussels and other filter feeders, in our sushi, our sea salt and in our drinking water.

The World Health Organization launched a global review of our drinking water last month after an analysis found microplastics in popular bottled water brands twice as high as in our tap water - which, in the US, includes 94.4% of our drinking water.

The state of plastics in our waters is not OK for me. Is it OK for U?

OKFORU is a project by Julia Morrison that invites you to fear nothing but complacency. Please join us in calling on Mayor De Blasio to lead on this crisis and ban single use plastic bags, straws, and styrofoam in New York.

Chinatown Soup