an intersection

an intersection
A girl bikes home alone through Chinatown…
I love this ruthless city, home of the restless city people. The manic energy of buying and selling, running all day and almost all night, poor people selling cheap things to poor people, rich people selling fancy shit to rich people. I love Chinatown, this strange intersection point between so many universes. Old tenement buildings sitting on top of a Guangdong market. Fluorescent white galleries and sleek bars next to dollar-twenty-five dumpling shops and clinky laundromats. These people who walk through these streets - where do they come from? Who belongs to this piece of land now? I love Chinatown because it is like me - out of time and out of place - a vagabond, an exile, who travels between worlds. Look deeply into these pages, they came from me.
Xeroxed ink and watercolor on recycled paper with string and staple binding. Vellum jacket + hand-painted artist stamping for first editions.
an intersection. Copyright © 2017 Alphabet Soup. All rights reserved. Made in New York.
First + Second Editions
Illustration by Ione Wang
Design by Femme Mâché