Chinatown Soup is delighted to present Three of Cups, an exhibition of paintings, photographs, and friendship by Soup Studio resident artists Megan Lee, Clare Kim, and Blandine Audusseau that is on view February 2 - 22, 2023. Please join us for an opening reception on Thursday, 2/2 from 6-8 pm and associated special events–RSVP here

You’ve pulled the Three of Cups. 

Divinatory meaning: A gallery of artwork arranged to inspire. Three maidens invite you to peruse their collection, fill your cup, and commune with friends. Juxtaposed styles point to conflict and chaos, but also present an opportunity for integration that creates wholeness. 

Upright: Abundance, Collaboration, Harmony

Reversed: Black magic, Disorder, Scandal

This generative art-making experience is an experiment in ‘spillage’ as a method of cohesive group expression. Many of the works were co-created by organic crossover, with the artists embracing randomness and taking turns to complete a painting. This style is born of the culture of Soup Studio, a liminal place defined by its productive proximities wherein paint has been known to spill in unexpected directions at unforeseen moments…

Blandine “le sardine” Audusseau is a multidisciplinary artist from Corsica, France. This exhibition at Chinatown Soup marks her public debut in New York City.

Clare Kim  (b. 1996, United States) is a Korean-American artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her paintings weave together referential images, consolidating distinct moments and cherished memories on canvas in a dreamlike manner. This painted collage style evokes diary entries out of order, recollecting events that coalesce in a state of unconscious awareness. Within a single still frame, Clare brings years of memories and dreams into the present, to be appreciated here and now.

Clare is self-taught and had her debut solo exhibition in October 2022 at Chinatown Soup, where she continues to make art as a Soup Studio resident. She has also exhibited at Land to Sea in Brooklyn, NY.

Megan Lee is a Korean-American artist and designer living in Brooklyn, NY. Her art captures the imprint of a moment in time—the essence of a figure or feeling through the expressive application of paint. She paints intuitively, layering colors and textures and letting chance take a role in the result. Megan relates her process to calligraphy and the power of a brushstroke, pulling inspiration from Abstract Expressionism. 

Megan attended the Sam Fox School and Pratt Institute. Her recent artistic accomplishments include participating in the 2022 Rockefeller Center Flag Project, the Uncommon Artist Residency in Greenport, NY, and an installation at Home Gallery in NYC. This show is the culmination of her second residency at Chinatown Soup. She has also produced several commercial installations for brands including Bandier and Splits59.

Chinatown Soup